The myriad contributions made to society by Bolton School’s Old Boys and Old Girls are a source of continued pride and inspiration to the current generation of boys and girls currently studying here on Chorley New Road.   

In celebration of these many and varied achievements, in 2022 the School launched its Alumni of the Year Awards, which seek to recognise Alumni who embody the School’s ethos of producing people who go out into the world and make a difference for good, and have thus delivered upon the famous exhortation of the Girls’ Division prayer, that “much will be expected of those to whom much is given”.   

If you know of an Old Boy or Old Girl who you feel would be deserving of one of this year’s awards, or if you would like to be considered for an award, we would be delighted to hear from you. Nominations can be submitted online using the form below, with hard copy forms available from the Development Office on request. The deadline for receipt of nominations is 12 noon on Friday 17 May 2024. 

Submit your nomination here.


  • The awards are open to all living Alumni of Bolton School. Nominees must be aged 18 or over and have attended one of the two Senior Schools for at least one year.   
  • Current staff members are not eligible for nomination.   
  • Any Alumnus, current or former staff member can nominate an Old Boy or Old Girl for the awards.
  • Self-nominations are accepted, when accompanied by at least one letter of support from a fellow Alumnus.   

Evaluation and Awards 

  • Nominations for the 2024 Awards will open on Friday 29 March 2024, and close at 12 noon on Friday 17 May 2024. 
  • All nominations should be made in confidence; the nominee should not be told that they have been nominated.   
  • Once nominations close, a shortlist of nominees will be decided by the Heads of Foundation, Girls’ Division, Boys’ Division and Primary Division.   
  • Shortlisted nominees will then be contacted to confirm that they are happy to be proposed as a candidate for the awards. By consenting to nomination, nominees are also consenting to taking part in the School’s publicity activities relating to the awards.   
  • The winners of the two awards will then be decided following a pupil vote held at the end of the Summer Term, with every Senior and Junior School pupil invited to vote.  
  • At the discretion of the Heads of Foundation, Girls’ Division, Boys’ Division and Primary Division, two additional Outstanding Achievement Awards may also be conferred annually upon an Old Boy or Old Girl from the list of shortlisted nominees. 
  • The two winners of the awards will be announced publicly at the start of the Autumn Term.     

Former Winners of Alumni of the Year Awards can be seen below.