The Purpose

Projects which are original or challenging will be favoured by the management committee who decide the awards. Physical challenges were originally the norm, but challenges of an intellectual nature are also acceptable if they show initiative.

Travel may be within the UK or abroad, but trips planned with some originality are preferred to the ones organised by Travel or Gap Year companies. Students should feel stretched in some way by the experience.

The committee usually supports Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and will, on occasion, subsidise demanding expeditionary or travel ventures organised by the School. Other school trips will not normally qualify. 


Students should be aged between 16 and 22 at the time of the project. Awards will not normally be made after the second summer having left School. Applications for trips during a year out will be considered provided the student is going on to further education and has not finished a first degree.

The Scott Trust does not fund projects which are an integral part of a student's education such as medical electives or time abroad for modern language students, nor trips to visit family members abroad. Projects linked to an applicant's intended educational course would normally only be considered if there was some travel portion either before or afterwards. 

Application Procedure

Application forms can be downloaded below or picked up from Mrs Debra Hardman, Clerk and Treasurer's office (Room A37, Boys' Division Senior School).  Alternatively, they may be requested via [email protected].


For current pupils who wish to submit an application for travels during 2025, you will be expected to provide a presentation on Tuesday 11 March 2025 to the Scott Bolton Trust Management Committee. Prior to presentations taking place, email notification will be issued to each applicant by Mrs Debra Hardman. 

Please note that, in the interim, applications for travels during the remainder of 2024 from both current and former pupils will still be considered by the Scott Bolton Trust Management Committee.

You can read some guidelines for pitching to the committee here. Applicants who are Old Boys or Old Girls are not required to present.

Decision by Management Committee

Following the presentations, the Management Committee of the Scott Bolton Trust will consider all applications with written notification of their decision being issued within a few days of the meeting. 

Obligations of Successful Applicants

  • Apply all grant monies to the approved project.
  • Give immediate notice of cancellation of a project, or an individual withdrawing from a group, to the Clerk of the Committee (via Mrs Debra Hardman).
  • To refund any grant not taken up.
  • Submit a report (by hard copy to Mrs Hardman or email to [email protected]) on the project within 1 month of carrying it out, for circulation amongst the Management Committee prior to display within both Divisions via Sharepoint. The report should include a description of the project and itinerary with comments as to what made the trip stretching or memorable. 

Scott Bolton Trust Application Form for 2024 Travels

Scott Bolton Trust Application Form for 2025 Travels

Application Form for DofE Funding