Primary Division Remembers
Primary Division Community

Year 6 Junior Boys at Bolton School lead a thoughtful and moving Remembrance Assembly, which was attended by parents, guardians and friends of the school. They recalled the service and sacrifice of the armed forces, paying tribute to the emergency services and acknowledging civilians and those who have lost their lives in conflict. They also shared their own personal stories about relatives who had fought in wars. 

Moving outdoors, the minute's silence was well observed and the bugle performance of the Last Post, played by Year 9 Senior School pupil, Antoine, set the tone. Freddie read The Kohima Epitaph and boys left wreaths by the school memorial planter and bench of Kenneth Lee, an Old Boy of the School and World War Two veteran. 

In the Junior Girls’ School, Year 6 pupils presented a thought-provoking and moving Remembrance Assembly, attended by the rest of the school and their parents. They spoke about the conditions facing the soldiers in World War One, the history of Armistice Day and explained why the poppy has become such a well-known symbol of remembrance. The readings, songs and poems were a fitting tribute to those who sacrificed themselves for our future. 

In Beech House, Bolton School’s Infant School, children explored Remembrance Day in a whole school assembly - watching the CBeebies ‘Poppies’ film and learning to recite a poem together called ‘Poppy, Poppy.’ Girls and boys also learnt a new song by Harry Styles and gave consideration as to how we can all treat each other with kindness.

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